by | May 29, 2024

Synthetic Lawn vs Real Lawn: Top 5 Pros & Cons in 2024



When deciding between a synthetic lawn vs real lawn, there are a few key factors to consider that will help determine which option is best for you. Whether you value low maintenance, natural aesthetics, or environmental benefits, making the right choice involves balancing these different needs.

Here’s a quick rundown to help you decide:

  1. Maintenance: Synthetic lawns require less upkeep compared to real grass.
  2. Appearance: Natural grass provides a look and feel that some find preferable.
  3. Cost: Initial installation for synthetic turf is higher, but it may save money over time.
  4. Environmental Impact: Both options have distinct environmental implications that vary from water conservation to carbon footprints.

To provide a comprehensive understanding, let’s dive into the pros and cons of each option.

comparison of synthetic and real lawns - synthetic lawn vs real lawn infographic comparison-2-items-casual

Benefits of Synthetic Lawns

One of the biggest advantages of synthetic lawns is the water conservation. Unlike real grass, synthetic turf requires no irrigation. This is a huge plus, especially in areas prone to drought or with water restrictions. Synthetic grass can save thousands of gallons of water annually. This not only cuts down on your water bill but also helps in conserving a precious resource.

Maintenance Ease

Synthetic lawns are low maintenance. Forget about mowing, weeding, or fertilizing. The most you’ll need to do is occasionally rinse off the turf to remove dust and debris. This can save you significant time and effort. For those with busy lifestyles, this is a major benefit. You can spend more time enjoying your yard rather than working on it.

Durability and Longevity

Synthetic lawns are built to last. They can withstand heavy foot traffic, pets, and extreme weather conditions. In fact, they can last up to 25 years with proper care. This durability makes them a great option for families with kids or pets. Plus, they are resistant to wear and tear, meaning you won’t have to worry about bald patches or muddy areas.

Aesthetic and Functional Consistency

One of the standout features of synthetic lawns is their year-round green appearance. Unlike real grass, which can turn brown or patchy during winter or droughts, synthetic turf maintains its lush, green look all year long. This consistency can enhance the curb appeal of your home and provide a perfect backdrop for outdoor activities.

Environmental Considerations

While the environmental impact of synthetic lawns can be a topic of debate, there are several environmental benefits to consider. For one, synthetic lawns do not require the use of pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers, which can be harmful to the environment. Additionally, by eliminating the need for gas-powered lawn equipment, you can reduce your carbon emissions. Artificial turf can also be made from recycled materials, such as old car tires, which helps keep plastics out of landfills.

Benefits of Real Grass

One of the biggest advantages of real grass is its natural aesthetic. The lush, green appearance of a well-maintained lawn is hard to beat. It provides a welcoming and inviting environment for your home. Real grass also offers a sensory experience that synthetic lawns can’t match. The feel of soft grass underfoot and the fresh scent of newly mowed grass are simple pleasures that many people cherish.

Environmental Contributions

Real grass lawns offer significant environmental benefits. As living plants, they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, contributing to cleaner air. Grass also helps filter pollutants and dust from the air, improving overall air quality.

Another crucial benefit is natural cooling. Grass can cool the surrounding area, making your yard a pleasant place to be during hot summer months. This cooling effect can be more pronounced with taller grass.

Grass roots also play a vital role in preventing soil erosion. They hold the soil in place, which can help prevent runoff and maintain soil health. Additionally, real grass supports biodiversity, providing a habitat for insects, birds, and other wildlife.

Initial Cost Advantages

When it comes to initial costs, real grass has the upper hand. The cost to install a natural lawn is generally lower than that of synthetic turf. You don’t have to worry about the high upfront investment required for artificial grass. This makes real grass a more cost-effective option for many homeowners.

While maintaining a real lawn does require ongoing expenses for watering, mowing, and fertilizing, the initial outlay is significantly less. This can be an important factor for those on a budget or looking to minimize upfront costs.

Challenges of Synthetic Lawns

When considering a synthetic lawn vs real lawn, weigh the challenges of synthetic options. While synthetic turf has many advantages, it also comes with some drawbacks that you should be aware of.

Higher Initial Investment

Setting up a synthetic lawn is like investing in a high-end appliance. The initial installation cost can be steep, often starting around $9 per square foot for quality synthetic turf. For a 1,000 square foot lawn, this means an upfront cost of approximately $9,000. This can be a significant outlay compared to the initial costs of seeding or sodding a natural grass lawn. However, this investment can pay off over time through lower maintenance costs.

Heat Issues in Summer

One of the most commonly cited issues with synthetic lawns is heat retention. Synthetic turf can absorb and retain heat, making it much hotter than natural grass under direct sunlight. On a sunny day, the surface temperature of synthetic turf can become uncomfortably high, like a cast iron skillet left out in the sun. This can be a particular concern in regions with intense summer heat.

Imagine walking barefoot on a scorching hot surface – not pleasant! While some advanced synthetic turfs incorporate cooling technologies, it’s still something to consider if you live in a hot climate.

Environmental Drawbacks

While synthetic lawns save water, they have their own set of environmental concerns. The production of synthetic turf involves the use of non-biodegradable materials and can generate significant pollution. Think of it as using disposable plates instead of washing dishes – convenient but not always eco-friendly.

Additionally, synthetic turf doesn’t decompose, meaning it will eventually end up in a landfill. Some synthetic turfs are made from recycled materials, like car tires, which helps mitigate this issue somewhat. However, the overall environmental impact of manufacturing and disposing of synthetic turf is still a concern.

Next, let’s explore the challenges of maintaining a real grass lawn.

Challenges of Real Grass

Maintaining a real grass lawn can be a labor of love, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. Let’s dive into the key issues you might face: regular maintenance, high water consumption, and continuous financial outlay.

Regular Maintenance Required

Real grass requires a lot of upkeep to stay lush and green. Think of it as having a high-maintenance pet. You’ll need to:

  • Mow: Grass grows quickly, especially in the summer. You might find yourself mowing the lawn every week to keep it looking neat.
  • Water: Grass needs regular watering, which can be a hassle and time-consuming. Automated sprinkler systems can help, but they come with their own set of maintenance needs.
  • Fertilize: To keep your lawn vibrant and healthy, you’ll need to apply fertilizer periodically. This adds nutrients to the soil and helps the grass grow strong.
  • Weed and Pest Control: Keeping weeds and pests at bay often requires the use of herbicides and pesticides. This not only adds to your workload but also raises concerns about chemicals in your outdoor space.

High Water Consumption

Watering your lawn can be a big drain on resources, especially in hot, dry climates. According to the EPA, the average American family uses 320 gallons of water per day, about 30% of which is devoted to outdoor uses. More than half of that outdoor water is used for watering lawns and gardens.

  • Irrigation Needs: Depending on your location and the type of grass, your lawn might need to be watered several times a week. This can be a significant drawback if you’re trying to cut back on utility costs.
  • Drought Impact: During periods of drought, water restrictions can make it hard to keep your lawn green. Grass can turn brown and go dormant, losing its aesthetic appeal.

Continuous Financial Outlay

Maintaining a real grass lawn isn’t just time-consuming; it’s also expensive. Here are some ongoing costs to consider:

  • Landscaping Services: Hiring professionals for regular maintenance can add up. Services like mowing, fertilizing, and pest control are often necessary to keep your lawn in top shape.
  • Equipment Maintenance: If you choose to maintain your lawn yourself, you’ll need equipment like mowers, trimmers, and aerators. These tools require regular maintenance and eventual replacement.
  • Fertilizers and Chemicals: Purchasing fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides can be costly. Plus, improper use can lead to environmental issues like water contamination.

Next, let’s explore how to make the right choice between synthetic lawns and real grass for your home.

Synthetic Lawn vs Real Lawn: Making the Right Choice for Your Home

Choosing between synthetic lawns and real grass can feel like a tough decision. However, considering factors like your lifestyle, long-term plans, and the expertise of professionals like Boston Landscape Co. can make the choice easier.

Boston Landscape Co.

At Boston Landscape Co., we understand that each homeowner has unique needs. Our team has over 24 years of experience in creating beautiful, low-maintenance outdoor spaces. Whether you lean towards the lush feel of real grass or the convenience of synthetic turf, we’re here to help you make an informed decision.

Lifestyle Considerations

Maintenance Time: If you have a busy schedule and prefer spending weekends relaxing rather than mowing the lawn, synthetic grass might be the best option. It requires minimal upkeep, freeing up your time for other activities.

Aesthetic Preferences: Do you love the smell of freshly cut grass and the feel of soft, natural turf underfoot? Real grass offers a sensory experience that synthetic lawns can’t fully replicate.

Environmental Values: Real grass provides environmental benefits like oxygen production and natural cooling. However, synthetic turf can also be eco-friendly, especially if made from recycled materials.

Long-Term Planning

Initial Investment vs. Long-Term Costs: Synthetic lawns have a higher upfront cost but lower ongoing maintenance expenses. Real grass is cheaper to install but requires continuous investment in water, fertilizers, and lawn care services.

Durability and Longevity: Synthetic turf can last up to 25 years, making it a long-term solution for homeowners looking to minimize maintenance. Real grass, while beautiful, requires consistent effort to maintain its appearance and health.

Climate and Water Usage: If you live in an area prone to droughts or with water restrictions, synthetic turf can be a more sustainable choice. Real grass needs regular watering, which can be challenging and costly in such regions.

Making the Decision

The choice between synthetic lawns and real grass depends on what aligns best with your lifestyle, budget, and environmental concerns. By working with Boston Landscape Co., you can ensure that whichever option you choose, it will be tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Ready to explore your options further? Let’s dive into some frequently asked questions about synthetic lawn vs real lawn.

Conclusion: Synthetic Lawn vs Real Lawn

Choosing between synthetic lawns and real grass can be a tough decision, but understanding your priorities can make it easier.

Decision Guidance

For those with busy schedules or in areas with water restrictions, synthetic lawns can be a game-changer. They offer low maintenance and year-round greenery without the need for constant watering or mowing. However, if you value the natural aesthetics and environmental benefits of real grass, and don’t mind the upkeep, then a real lawn might be your best bet.

Sustainable Choices

When making your decision, consider the environmental impact. Synthetic lawns save water but are made from non-biodegradable materials and involve pollution during manufacturing. Real grass, on the other hand, contributes to oxygen production, pollution filtration, and natural cooling, but requires significant water and maintenance resources.

Contact Boston Landscape Co. for Tailored Solutions

At Boston Landscape Co., we understand that every yard and homeowner is unique. Our team can provide expert advice and customized solutions to help you make the best choice for your outdoor space. Whether you lean towards the low-maintenance appeal of synthetic turf or the natural beauty of real grass, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Ready to transform your yard? Contact us today for a consultation and start your journey towards the perfect lawn.

Next, let’s address some frequently asked questions about synthetic lawn vs real lawn.

Frequently Asked Questions about Synthetic Lawn vs Real Lawn

Is synthetic lawn safer than real lawn?

Yes, synthetic lawns can be safer in many aspects, especially for children and pets.

  • Even Surface: Synthetic turf provides a smooth, even surface, which reduces tripping hazards.
  • No Chemicals: Unlike real grass, synthetic lawns don’t require pesticides or fertilizers, which can be harmful if ingested by kids or pets.
  • Cleanliness: Mud and dirt are minimized, making it easier to keep kids and pets clean. According to Pet-Friendly Artificial Grass, synthetic grass is virtually indestructible by dogs, and it prevents the ingestion of harmful chemicals.
  • Antimicrobial Properties: Some synthetic turfs include antimicrobial additives to prevent bacteria buildup.

How long does synthetic lawn last compared to real lawn?

Synthetic lawns have a much longer lifespan compared to real grass.

  • Durability: High-quality synthetic grass can last 20 to 30 years with minimal maintenance. For example, Boston Landscape Co. offers synthetic grass with a life expectancy of up to 12 years, backed by a manufacturer guarantee.
  • Weather Resistance: Synthetic grass remains green and lush regardless of weather conditions. It doesn’t suffer from drought, excessive rain, or extreme temperatures.
  • Maintenance: Unlike real grass, which requires constant care, synthetic lawns need only occasional cleaning to remove debris.

Comparison of Synthetic and Real Grass Lifespan - synthetic lawn vs real lawn

What are the hidden costs of maintaining a real lawn?

Maintaining a real lawn involves ongoing costs and effort that can add up over time.

  • Water Usage: Real grass requires regular watering, which can be costly, especially in regions with water restrictions.
  • Equipment: You’ll need to invest in lawnmowers, edgers, and other equipment. Plus, there’s the cost of fuel and maintenance for these tools.
  • Chemicals: Fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides are necessary to keep your lawn healthy, but they can be expensive and environmentally harmful.
  • Labor: Whether you do it yourself or hire a landscaping service, maintaining a real lawn requires time and effort. According to Boston Landscape Co., homeowners can save time and money by choosing synthetic turf due to its low maintenance requirements.

Cost Breakdown of Real Lawn Maintenance - synthetic lawn vs real lawn

In summary, choosing between a synthetic lawn and a real lawn depends on your priorities—be it low maintenance, environmental impact, or natural aesthetics. For more information or to explore your options, contact Boston Landscape Co. for expert advice and tailored solutions.


Pros and Cons: Choosing Between Synthetic Lawns and Real Grass

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