by | Jul 18, 2024

Commercial Landscape: Top Services to Elevate Your Business


The Power of Commercial Landscaping: Transform Your Business Space

Commercial landscaping can redefine your business space, enhancing both its aesthetic appeal and functionality. If you’re curious about how to make an amazing first impression, boost property value, and create a welcoming environment for clients and employees, then commercial landscaping is your answer.

Quick Look: Benefits of Commercial Landscaping

  • Improves Curb Appeal: Attractive landscapes draw more customers.
  • Improves Property Value: Well-kept greenery increases market value.
  • Boosts Employee Productivity: Natural surroundings can improve morale.
  • Eco-Friendly Solutions: Reduces heat, manages stormwater, and conserves energy.

Whether it’s through lush gardens, strategic tree placement, or efficient irrigation systems, the right design can make all the difference to your business.

I’m Steve Schumacher, owner of Boston Landscape Co. With over three decades in the commercial landscape industry, my team and I have transformed numerous properties into stunning, efficient, and welcoming spaces. Our experience will ensure your commercial landscape meets all your needs.

Benefits of Commercial Landscaping Infographic - commercial landscape infographic pillar-4-steps

Understanding Commercial Landscape


Commercial landscaping is more than just an expense; it’s an investment. A well-kept landscape can increase your property’s value, improve worker productivity, and create a positive first impression for clients and partners. According to IBIS World, the landscaping industry has grown 4.2% per year on average between 2017 and 2022, reflecting its increasing importance.

First Impressions

Imagine a potential client arriving at your business. They see vibrant flowers, manicured lawns, and clean walkways. This sets a positive tone even before they step inside. A well-kept exterior can make clients feel more confident in your business.

“You took what we thought was an impossible side yard full of dirt, rocks, and major tree root systems and turned it into a beautifully landscaped patio area we can’t wait to get home to each day,” said Amie and Chad, satisfied clients of Boston Landscape Co.

Property Value

Investing in commercial landscape maintenance can significantly boost your property’s value. Well-designed and maintained landscapes not only improve curb appeal but also contribute to long-term cost savings.

  • Energy Efficiency: Trees and shrubs can provide shade, reducing cooling costs in the summer.
  • Windbreaks: Strategic plantings can act as natural windbreakers, lowering heating costs in the winter.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: Regular upkeep minimizes the risk of damage to structures, saving on repairs.

Case Study: Boston Landscape Co. transformed a commercial property in Woburn, MA. The upgrade included new gravel in the parking area and a landscaped side yard. The result? Not only did it please all six condominium owners, but it also increased the property’s market value.


A well-maintained landscape isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s also about creating a pleasant work environment. Green spaces can improve employee morale and productivity.

  • Relaxation Areas: Outdoor spaces for breaks and lunches can help employees relax and recharge.
  • Health Benefits: Access to green spaces can reduce stress and promote physical activity, contributing to overall well-being.


Environmental sustainability is a growing concern for businesses and consumers alike. Effective commercial landscaping can help reduce the urban heat island effect, manage stormwater runoff, and provide cleaner air, aligning with green initiatives.

  • Water-Wise Irrigation: Efficient water management systems ensure your landscape receives the right amount of water without waste.
  • Native Plants: Choosing the right plants for the right places can have a huge positive impact on the environment and landscape aesthetics.
  • Prudent Use of Fertilizers and Chemicals: Using sustainable alternatives that are friendly to the environment aligns with “Best Management Practices.”

For business owners and property managers in Boston, choosing the right landscape service is more than just maintaining greenery; it’s about making an investment in their property’s health and attractiveness.

Next, we’ll discuss the key components of commercial landscape services, including design, installation, and maintenance.

Key Components of Commercial Landscape Services

Design and Planning

Effective commercial landscape design starts with a clear vision. This phase involves creating a detailed plan that aligns with your property’s aesthetics and functionality needs.

  • Vision and Aesthetics: A professional landscape designer will work with you to understand your goals and preferences. They create conceptual drawings that reflect your vision, ensuring the space is both beautiful and practical.
  • Functionality: The design must consider the practical use of the area. This includes planning for pathways, seating areas, and other features that improve the usability of the space.

A well-thought-out design not only boosts the visual appeal but also ensures the landscape can handle foot traffic, weather conditions, and other practical concerns.

Installation and Construction

Once the design is finalized, the next step is installation and construction. This phase requires skilled craftsmanship and high-grade materials to bring the design to life.

  • Technical Personnel: Employing skilled horticulturalists and landscape technicians ensures that plants are correctly placed and cared for.
  • Skilled Craftsmanship: Experienced workers handle the installation of both softscapes (plants, trees, shrubs) and hardscapes (walkways, patios, lighting). Their expertise ensures durability and aesthetic appeal.
  • High-Grade Materials: Using top-quality materials for construction and plantings ensures longevity and reduces the need for frequent replacements or repairs.

Choosing the right materials and skilled personnel can make a significant difference in the final outcome, ensuring the landscape is both beautiful and durable.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Ongoing maintenance is crucial for keeping your commercial landscape looking its best year-round. This involves seasonal care, plant health management, and cost-effective strategies.

  • Seasonal Care: Regular tasks such as mowing, pruning, and fertilizing are essential to maintain the landscape’s appearance and health.
  • Plant Health: Monitoring and managing plant health helps prevent diseases and pest infestations. Regular health assessments and timely interventions keep the plants thriving.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Efficient maintenance practices, such as using automated irrigation systems, can save time and reduce costs. Proper water management and sustainable practices also contribute to long-term savings.

Investing in professional maintenance services ensures that your landscape remains vibrant and attractive, enhancing the overall appeal and value of your property.

Next, we’ll explore the innovative trends in commercial landscaping, including sustainability practices, smart landscaping technology, and the use of native plants.

Innovative Trends in Commercial Landscaping

Commercial landscaping is evolving with new trends that focus on sustainability, technology, and the use of native plants. These trends not only improve the aesthetic appeal of business spaces but also promote environmental conservation and efficiency.

Water-Wise Irrigation

Efficient water use is a crucial aspect of sustainable landscaping. Water-wise irrigation systems, such as drip irrigation and smart irrigation systems, ensure that water is used efficiently and only where needed.

  • Efficiency and Conservation: These systems reduce water waste by delivering water directly to the plant roots. Smart irrigation systems can even adjust watering schedules based on weather conditions and soil moisture levels.
  • Environmental Impact: Efficient irrigation not only conserves water but also promotes healthier plant growth and reduces the risk of overwatering, which can lead to soil erosion and plant diseases.

Smart Landscaping Technology

Technology is changing how we manage commercial landscapes. From sensors to automated systems, smart landscaping technology offers numerous benefits.

  • Sensors and Automation: Sensors can monitor soil moisture, weather conditions, and plant health. Automated systems can then adjust irrigation, lighting, and other landscape features based on this data.
  • Increased Efficiency: This technology reduces manual labor and ensures that landscapes receive optimal care. Automated systems can also help in early detection of issues like pest infestations or nutrient deficiencies.

Use of Native Plants

Incorporating native plants into commercial landscapes is a growing trend due to their adaptability and lower maintenance needs.

  • Adaptability: Native plants are well-suited to local climate and soil conditions, making them more resilient to environmental challenges.
  • Lower Maintenance: These plants typically require less water, fertilizer, and pest control compared to non-native species. This reduces maintenance costs and supports local biodiversity.

native plants - commercial landscape

  • Environmental Benefits: Native plants provide habitat for local wildlife, including pollinators like bees and butterflies. They also help in conserving water and reducing the need for chemical inputs.

By embracing these innovative trends, businesses can create landscapes that are not only beautiful but also sustainable and efficient.

Next, we’ll discuss the challenges and solutions in commercial landscaping, including weather, climate, and soil types.

Challenges and Solutions in Commercial Landscaping

Weather and Seasonal Challenges

Boston’s unique climate presents a variety of challenges for commercial landscapes. The city experiences hot summers and harsh, snowy winters, requiring specialized care year-round.

Micro-Climates: Different areas within a single property can have varying weather conditions. For example, shaded areas may stay cooler and wetter than sunny spots. Understanding these micro-climates helps in selecting the right plants and planning irrigation.

Seasonal Adjustments: Each season demands specific actions. In spring, focus on cleanup and fertilization. Summer requires regular watering and mowing. Fall is for leaf removal and winter preparation. Winter needs snow and ice management to keep pathways safe.

Soil and Terrain Issues

Soil quality and terrain can significantly impact the success of a commercial landscape. Boston’s urban environment often means dealing with compacted soil and limited green space.

Soil Amendments: Improving soil quality is crucial. Adding organic matter like compost can improve soil structure, drainage, and nutrient content, making it more suitable for plant growth.

Erosion Control: Sloped areas are prone to erosion, especially during heavy rains. Using ground cover plants, retaining walls, and proper drainage systems can prevent soil erosion and protect your landscape.

Plant Selection and Maintenance

Choosing the right plants and maintaining them properly is essential for a thriving commercial landscape.

Native Species: Opting for native plants can simplify maintenance. These plants are well-adapted to local climate and soil conditions, requiring less water and care. They also support local wildlife.

Pest Management: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a sustainable approach to controlling pests. It involves monitoring pest levels, using biological controls like beneficial insects, and applying chemical treatments only when necessary.

Next, we’ll explore the impact of a well-designed commercial landscape on your business, from enhancing curb appeal to providing economic and environmental benefits.

Commercial Landscape and Business Impact

Enhancing Curb Appeal

First impressions matter. A beautifully landscaped exterior can set a positive tone even before anyone steps inside your business. Imagine a potential client arriving at your office and seeing vibrant flowers, manicured lawns, and clean walkways. This visual statement can make your property stand out and attract more customers.

A well-designed commercial landscape can also:

  • Increase Foot Traffic: Eye-catching features like vibrant plantings and welcoming entrances can draw people in.
  • Create a Professional Image: A neat and attractive exterior demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism.

Functional and Practical Design

A commercial landscape should be more than just pretty. It should be functional and practical, enhancing the usability of the space.

Consider adding:

  • Seating Areas: Benches, tables, and chairs can create inviting spots for breaks and lunches.
  • Pathways and Walkways: Well-defined paths can guide traffic flow and improve accessibility.
  • Safety Features: Proper lighting and clear walkways can improve safety for employees and visitors.

A functional landscape can make your business environment more enjoyable and user-friendly.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

Investing in a high-quality commercial landscape can also offer economic and environmental benefits.

  • Property Value: A well-maintained landscape can boost your property’s value. For example, Boston Landscape Co. transformed a commercial property in Woburn, MA, increasing its market value and pleasing all six condominium owners.
  • Energy Savings: Strategic plantings like trees and shrubs can provide shade in the summer and act as windbreaks in the winter, reducing cooling and heating costs.
  • Eco-Friendly Practices: Using native plants and water-efficient irrigation systems can promote sustainability. According to, a high-quality landscape can pay for itself in energy savings in an average of eight years.

By focusing on these aspects, a well-designed commercial landscape can improve your business environment, making it more attractive, functional, and cost-effective.

Next, we’ll discuss the latest innovative trends in commercial landscaping, including water-wise irrigation and smart landscaping technology.


At Boston Landscape Co., we believe that changing your business space with top-tier commercial landscape services is about more than just aesthetics. It’s about creating a functional, inviting environment that reflects your business values and vision.

Custom Services

Every business has unique landscaping needs. That’s why we offer customized landscaping solutions designed to meet your specific requirements. Whether it’s designing a vibrant entrance or creating a serene outdoor seating area, our custom services ensure that your landscape aligns perfectly with your goals.

Enhancing Functionality

Our approach goes beyond just making your space look good. We focus on enhancing the functionality of your outdoor areas. This includes adding hardscaping features like walkways and patios that make the space more usable. We also implement eco-friendly irrigation systems to save water and reduce maintenance costs.

Our commitment to excellence is evident in every project we undertake. We believe that a well-planned landscape not only boosts curb appeal but also contributes to a healthier urban environment, improves employee wellbeing, and attracts more customers.

By choosing Boston Landscape Co., you’re not just hiring a landscaper; you’re investing in a partner who will help transform your commercial space into a beautiful, sustainable, and functional area.

Ready to lift your commercial property’s exterior? Contact Boston Landscape Co. today to start your change!


Transform Your Business Space with Top Commercial Landscape Services

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